At the eternal flame on Poklonnaya hill with the famous American Professor Peter Kuzniсk

Peter Kuzniсk, Professor of history at the American University in Washington, Director of the Nuclear Studies Institute, co-authored with American director Oliver Stone published the book «Untold history of the United States», and also released a documentary television series of the same name. In the building of the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War […]

№ 4. Environmental policy of modern states: science, business, society

In December 2017, many governmental agencies and public organizations summarized the preliminary results of the Year of Ecology in Russia. The following results were noted: – the Strategy of Ecological Safety of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025 was approved; – large industrial enterprises launched long-term investment projects aiming at the modernization […]

№ 2. Political elections in Russia and abroad

We present the second issue of our journal Russian Political Science, which is devoted to political elections. The issue includes articles written by political scientists from Russia, Belarus, Mexico and Switzerland. Doctors of science, early career scientists, as well as practicing political technologists present their paper works in the journal. The articles discussing regional elections […]