The editors ask authors to adhere to the following basic
principles of articles
1. The journal accepts articles in Russian in electronic form, in standard formats of Microsoft Word and OpenOffice Writer text editors (extensions. *.doc,*.docx,*.rtf). Since the journal is published both in Russian and English, it is welcome to send the author’s translation of the article into English.
2. The approximate volume of articles – 1 author’s sheet (40 thousand characters, including spaces), the volume of the article can be increased in consultation with the editors.
3. Along with the article, metadata must be provided:
3.1. Article title.
3.2. A brief summary of the article, briefly revealing its main content. The abstract should not exceed 1 thousand characters with spaces. The abstract text is not taken into account in the total volume of the article.
3.3. Up to 7 keywords corresponding to the main content of the article.
3.4. For each author must be specified separately:
3.4.1. Surname, name, patronymic (if available).
3.4.2. Scientific status, place of work (if any), city and country of residence.
3.4.3. Email address.
3.4.4. Photo of the author, published with the article.
4. Only non-textual bibliographic references sorted alphabetically at the end of the article are allowed; use of footnotes for bibliographic references is not allowed.