№ 2. Political elections in Russia and abroad

We present the second issue of our journal Russian Political Science, which is devoted to political elections.

The issue includes articles written by political scientists from Russia, Belarus, Mexico and Switzerland. Doctors of science, early career scientists, as well as practicing political technologists present their paper works in the journal. The articles discussing regional elections in Russia, Presidential election campaign in the USA (2016) and in France (2017) and particular qualities of elections in East and West Europe and Latin America can draw much interest of the readers.

The authors of the presented articles analyzed the important aspects of political elections such as party building, influence of trade unions and civil society institutions on electoral behavior, role of emigration issues in the election campaigns of the European Union and the United States. The authors of the articles investigate the peculiarities of the electoral reforms and the question of fairness and transparence of elections.

Some articles analyze referendums in Russia and in foreign countries. Early career political scientists presented to the public their own method of open data analysis in order to identify possible electoral anomalies. The psychological aspect of the electoral process was investigatedbasing on the analysis of fairy tales and legends determining the most attractive qualities of candidates among modern voters in Russia.

The elections in Russia have been taking place for several centuries, and we could not ignore the history of the elections. The articles of foreign political scientists from Mexico and Switzerland were translated from Spanish and have never been published before. So we express our gratitude to our young scientists of the Faculty of Political Science ofLomonosov Moscow State University for the worthy translation of scientific articles by foreign authors.

We continue to acquaint our readers with other Faculties of Political Science, established in Russia. This issue introduces the Faculty of Political Science of St. Petersburg University.

We invite political scientists from Russia and abroad to publish their researches in our journal. We believe that cooperation of political scientists creates a more predictable and secure World — a World of cooperation, development and prosperity.
